Sunday, August 21, 2005

All Spruced Up

Here's the latest Art On A Stick:

Moon on Stick

The glass portion is supposed to subtly glow at night. So far, it's so subtle I can't see it.

I can't wait to plant the Edelweiss (Leontopodium) and Aztec Gold Veronica (Veronica Prostrata Aztec Gold) seen in the background above. I'm just waiting to find the perfect small shrubs to anchor the middle of the bed. I'm considering some type of Juniper, but I'd like something a) compact and b) attractive year round. Let's add c) funky and unique. Unfortunately, most local nurseries don't seem to carry that.

We planted a Dwarf Alberta Spruce (picea glauca 'Conica') to anchor the corner of the bed. It's supposed to grow slowly to 5-10' tall. Baby Girl is currently almost 3' tall. She certainly does not grow slowly. I could say that she grows like a weed, but that would be too corny.


And finally, we have some new sod. Now the grass isn't quite as crabby, but it still needs some TLC. I propose a lawn care service. You can also see that I planted five "Debonair" garden mums around the base of the Alberta Spruce.


I like the word "Debonair." It's very Fred Astaire.


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